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dolor3Certamente você já viu a Rainha da Mandioca, Mulher-Sapiens, em diversas situações onde a única saída minimamente compreensível seria a internação imediata num manicômio judiciário. As frases ditas por ela estão por toda a parte, sendo a do “cachorro atrás de uma criança”, talvez, a mais famosa e emblemática.
Pois bem agora, o Blog do Lessa, num furo exclusivo de reportagem, descobriu que o destrambelhamento mental da Bonequinha de Luxo tem raizes genéticas. Ex-vizinhos da sua casa, no bairro de São Pedro, em Belo Horizonte, onde Dilma “Devassa” Rousseff viveu na juventude, mantêm vivas até hoje as recordações da chamada “Casa do Piano”. Assim era chamada a casa da ex-presidente da República em exercício. A impressão dos ex-vizinhos era de que progenitora de Dilma “era, em geral, meio tan-tan”. Nota: o Blog do Lessa não pôde verificar essa condição de maneira independente.
Os relatos dão conta de que, durante o dia, a casa permanecia silenciosa. À noite, no entanto, a mãe da Rainha da Mandioca começava a tocar piano — e, segundo os testemunhos, tocava bem, especialmente peças clássicas. O problema é que ela tocava a noite inteira, perturbando o sono dos vizinhos. Daí veio o apelido “Casa do Piano”. Agora, portanto, já se tem uma pista sobre a falta de parafusos na cabeça da chefe interina da Orcrim.

You must have seen several situations where the Cassava Queen, a.k.a. Woman-Sapiens, would only have one way out: immediate admission to a state-controlled mental hospital. All the crazy sentences she has uttered are everywhere — perhaps the most famous and emblematic so far could be the one about “the dog behind the child.”
Well… now The Lessa Blog has discovered and brings the information to you, exclusively, that the “Hepburn from Hell’s” mental screw-ups may have genetic basis. Former neighbors of the home where Dilma “Devassa” Rousseff used to live as a young girl, at the Sao Pedro borough in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais state), remember to this day the so-called “Piano House.” That’s how the the former president in exercise’s home was called. The general impression was that Dilma’s mother “had a few screws missing.” It should be noted that The Lessa Blog has not been able to verify that fact independently.
Former neighbors report that during the day, the house was usually silent. At night, however, the Cassava Queen’s mother started to play the piano. According to witnesses, she played it very well, especially classical music. The problem was that she kept playing the whole night long, disturbing the neighbors’ sleep. That’s how the nickname “Piano House” came up. Therefore, now one can have a solid clue about the number of screws missing in Dilma’s head.


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