A Dívida Escondida
The hidden debt

A informação vem da coluna “Diário do Poder”, do xará Claudio Humberto: na prestação de contas que deverá ser rejeitada pelo Tribunal de Contas da União, o desgoverno da Rainha da Mandioca “escondeu” dívidas de 270 milhões de reais junto a bancos oficiais. Foi uma tentativa de camuflar ou de “apagar as provas” do crime de pedaladas fiscais, que consiste em fazer dos bancos oficiais financiadores de programas sociais do governo. Esse é um crime punido pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. O crime das pedaladas é tão claro, para os técnicos e ministros do TCU, que não há clima para nem sequer uma “aprovação com ressalvas.” Um defensor do desgoverno no TCU tenta convencer os colegas a substituir a palavra “rejeição” por outra mais amena. No entanto, o tribunal pretende usar a rejeição das contas da Mulher-Sapiens para demonstrar independência. O desgoverno petralha alega que as pedaladas são praticadas desde 1992. Só que, de lá para cá, surgiu a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal.

The information comes from the “Power Daily” column, from my namesake Claudio Humberto: in the accounting to be rejected by the TCU (the Brazilian equivalent to the U.S. General Accounting Office), the (un)administration of the Cassava Queen “hid” debts in the amount of 270 million reais (roughly 85 million dollars) from official banks. It was an attempt to mask or to “erase the evidences” of the crime of illegal fiscal maneuvers — more specifically, the use of money from official banks to finance the (un)government’s social programs. This is a crime punished by the Fiscal Responsibility Act. This crime is so clearly demonstrated in the balance sheets that, according to technicians and justices of the Brazilian GAO, there is not even a chance of approving the accounting “with reservations”. One of the TCU justices in tune with the (un)administration has been trying to convince his colleagues to replace the word “rejection” by some other expression considered less harsh. However, the court intends to use the rejection of the Woman-Sapiens accounting to demonstrate its independence. The petralha (un)administration claims that the illegal maneuvers have been in place since 1992, but it (conveniently) forgets the creation of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, though.


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