Enquanto derrama lágrimas de crocodilo profusamente, o Blog do Lessa se lembra de que esse velhote canalha, ladrão, safado, mensaleiro, sequestrador, inimigo do Estado, traficante de influência e sonegador (sim, os canalhas também envelhecem!) não relatava angústia nem parecia ter quaisquer problemas de saúde, inclusive psicológicos, quando praticava seus crimes e embolsava, ilegalmente, grandes quantidades de dinheiro.
While profusely shedding crocodile tears, The Lessa Blog remembers that this old fart, a scoundrel, thief, kidnapper, enemy of the State, influence peddler, tax evader, shameless SOB (yes, scoundrels do get old, too!) did not report any kind of anxiety nor happened to have any health problems, including psychological, when he committed his crimes and pocketed great sums of money illegally.
(Picture subtitle): Dirceu sends message to Car Wash judge: “I can’t stand it anymore”
(Balloon): “Arrest me now, please! Arrest me! I can’t stand this anxiety anymore! I’d rather be in jail than living like this!”