STF x Lula – O Dia Seguinte
Brazilian Supreme Court x Lula – The Day After

Quais as perscpectivas (e piadas) que brotam a partir da decisão do STF de permitir a prisão do canalha cachaceiro de Atibaia? É o que mostra o vídeo.

What are the perspectives (and jokes) that have come up since the Brazilian Supreme Court decision to allow former president Lula’s arrest? That’s what this video shows. Good for practicing your Brazilian Portuguese language skills!


Faz Sentido…
Makes sense…


O Blog do Lessa acha que os suecos estão certíssmos. O Brasil já pulou fora do programa espacial com a Ucrânia, portanto…

The Lessa Blog thinks the Swede are absolutely correct. After all, Brazil has already pulled the plug on the space deal with Ukraine, so…
(Below the picture): Swedish are in Brasilia, ready to cancel sale of fighter jets to Brazil.


Sergio Garschagen e os Abutres
Sergio Garschagen and the vultures

sergio_garschagenAbutres a comer o fígado da nação! Abro O Globo e, de cara, três aves de rapina na primeira página: 1) PF faz busca na casa de Collor em Brasilia e Maceió; 2) Costa reafirma pagamento de propina a Renan e 3) PF mapeia dinheiro pago a ministro Zé Dirceu. Quantas provas incontestáveis são necessárias para prender essa corja?

Vultures eat the nation’s liver! I barely start to read O Globo newspaper and find three brids of prey on the cover: 1) Former president Fernando Collor de Mello’s homes in Brasilia and Maceio are being searched by the Federal Police; 2) Former Petrobras director Paulo Roberto Costa confirms payment to Senate president Renan Calheiros and 3) The Federal Police tracks the money paid to former minister José Dirceu. How much uncontested evidence is necessary to put these scoundrels in jail?


A Brasília de Renato Riella
Renato Riella’s Brasilia


Cristaliza-se nos bastidores da política brasiliense a visão de que o ex-secretário Hélio Doyle continua dando as cartas no GDF (apelidado por ele de Governo de Brasília). Um sinal explícito veio do sub-secretário de Imprensa, respeitado e experiente jornalista Ricardo Callado, que pediu demissão do governo na semana passada. No Facebook, Callado disse que estava saindo porque Hélio Doyle, mesmo demitido, continuava mandando. Ele escreveu isso assim mesmo, nesses termos, mas todo mundo fez que não viu. Nas últimas horas, circula nos porões da política o boato de que houve reunião no GDF, domingo de tarde, com a presença de Hélio Doyle, quando ele reorientou a equipe de Comunicação Social do governo para o enfrentamento com a presidente da Câmara Legislativa, Celina Leão. Consta, como boato, que haveria gravação desta reunião, mas parece que alguém tenta negociar esta fita, como costuma acontecer muito na sujeira da política brasiliense. Se tudo for mentira, vale a pena se observar melhor o GDF, que precisa mudar – mas talvez não mude nunca.
(Leia mais sobre a política brasiliense clicando aqui.)

It is becoming more and more clear for those who operate the brasiliense politics that former secretary Helio Doyle continues to call the shots in the GDF (acronym for Government of the Federal District; Doyle, however, nicknamed it “Brasilia Government”). An explicit sign came from the Press undersecretary: the respected, experienced journalist Ricardo Callado called it quits last week. On Facebook, Callado said the was leaving because Helio Doyle, although fired from the GDF, was still calling the shots. He wrote it like that, with those words, but everyone pretended not having seen it. More recently, rumors are circulating about an alleged meeting that occurred last Sunday afternoon with Helio Doyle present. At the time, he directed the GDF Social Communications team to fight the local assembly’s president Celina Leao. Another rumor is that there would be a recording of that meeting. It looks, though, that someone is trying to negotiate (sell) the recording, as it has become the norm in the filthy brasiliense politics. If it is all a lie, at least it’s worth observing the GDF a little more carefully because it needs to change — although this may never happen.
(Read more about Brasilia’s politics clicking here.)
