Publicado em “O Antagonista”
Published by “The Antagonist”

O Blog do Lessa assina embaixo.

The text above lists the major wrongdoings of the Workers Party along the years and clearly shows who is trying to misguide and sabotage the country’s affairs. The Lessa Blog wholeheartedly agrees with those terms. Use this as an exercise in Brazilian Portuguese, so you can improve your translation skills.


Ainda Continuamos Esperando Uma Explicação
We’re Still Waiting for an Explanation

The common citizen writes a check for R$500 (around US$120) and the Brazilian IRS knows about it. Odebrecht pays more than R$3,3 billion (around US$1,1 billion) in corruption money and the Brazilian IRS’s supercomputers never have a clue.
In order to send 10 euros abroad, it’s a savage bureaucracy. During decades, fortunes were transferred illegally from Brazil to other countries and nobody saw anything.
(Source: unknown)


Se Ele Apenas Tirasse a Mão…
If Only He Removed His Hand…


The headline from O Globo newspaper on November 22, 2016 says that “Temer does not see a reason to remove Geddel”.
This blog firmly believes  that it is most unfortunate that this is happening. It was hoped that the Temer administration, composed of certified crooks, would put the knowledge of these crooks — now supposedly converted to saving the country — to good use, at a moment when everyone in Brazil wants to see the end of corruption and the emergence of sound political practices. The Geddelgate proves this blog wrong, unfortunately.


Sergio Garschagen, a Corrupção e a ONU
Sergio Garschagen, corruption and the UN

sergioPT ladravaz – Para demonstrar o quanto o país sofre com os altos índices de corrupção, o procurador Deltan Dallagnol citou um estudo da ONU revelando que os bilhões de reais desviados do país por ano permitiria multiplicar por três os investimentos federais em educação ou saúde ou, ainda, multiplicar por cinco tudo o que se investe em segurança. Seria possível, assim, com esse rombo, resgatar da miséria os dez milhões de brasileiros que não conseguem comprar os alimentos necessários para sobreviver.

Larcenous PT (Workers Party) – To demonstrate how much Brazil suffers with its high levels or corruption, prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol has cited a UN study that reveals that the billions of reais diverted from the country each year would enable multiplying  federal investments in education or health by three — or multiplying by five everything currently invested in security. With all this money, it would be possible to rescue from poverty ten million Brazilians who are not able to buy enough food to survive.


Silvana Destro e as Conquistas do Governo Dilma
Silvana Destro and Dilma’s accomplishments

Silvana_DestroO Planalto (quem terá sido?) preparou uma contraofensiva para recuperar a popularidade de Dilma. A estratégia é colocar os pezinhos da presidente na estrada, para que ela relembre ao povo as CONQUISTAS do seu primeiro mandato. Vamos a elas:
1. Quebrou a Petrobras
2. Acabou com o sistema energético
3. Fechou os olhos para a corrupção
4. Manipulou dados da economia para fazer resultado positivo
5. Tratou com profundo equívoco a política educacional
6. Trouxe o Mais Médicos para enviar milhões de dólares para Cuba
7. Construiu um sistema portuário de primeira grandeza… em Cuba
8. Fodeu com o sistema portuário brasileiro
9. Fechou os olhos para as obras superfaturadas da Copa do Mundo
Gente, ajuda aí… Cansei! 🙂

The Planalto Palace (who might have been in there?) has prepared a counteroffensive in order to rebuild Dilma’s popularity. The strategy is to send the president on the road so she can remind the people of the ACCOMPLISHMENTS of her first term. Let’s check some of them out:
1. Petrobras is broken
2. The (electric) energy system has been destroyed
3. She has closed her eyes to corruption
4. She has manipulated economic data to produce positive results
5. Educational policy has been treated in a deeply mistaken way
6. She has brought “More Doctors” to send millions of dollars to Cuba
7. She has built a world class port system… in Cuba
8. She has screwed the Brazilian port system
9. She has closed her eyes to the way overpriced construction work done for the World Cup
Hey, everyone! Help me… I’m tired! 🙂


Com a Palavra, Deltan Dallagnol
Deltan Dallagnol takes the stand

Assista ao vídeo em que o procurador Deltan Dallagnol, da operação Lava Jato, faz um apelo para que assinemos o manifesto em favor das 10 medidas necessárias ao combate da corrupção no Brasil, segundo o MPF.

In this video, attorney Deltan Dallagnol (from the Car Wash investigation) makes an appeal to all Brazilians: sign the document in favor of the ten measures considered necessary for combating corruption in Brazil, according to the Federal Prosecutor’s office. (In Brazilian Portuguese)


As 10 Medidas
The ten measures


Clique na ilustração acima (ou aqui) e você será direcionado para a página de combate à corrupção do MPF, onde poderá saber tudo a respeito das dez medidas propostas para se combater a corrupção no Brasil e assinar um manifesto em favor dessas medidas. Lave o Brasil a Jato você também!

Click on the illustration above (or here) and you’ll be directed to the (Brazilian) Federal Prosecutor’s Corruption Fight page, where you’ll be able to know everything about the proposed ten measures to combat corruption in Brazil and to add your name in support of those measures. Help Brazil go through Car Wash and come out a clean country!
