Cunha, we believe in your honesty, but we’re not taking anyone else in our gang.
Eduardo Cunha
Nas Mídias Sociais…
On the Internet…
Former Brazilian House of Reps president (now jailed in Curitiba) is saying… “(expletive similar to I’ll be damned!) All I had to do was to tap my shoes and refuse to leave?” regarding the incredible Brazilian Supreme Court decision maintaining Renan Calheiros (a defendant at the STF) as president of Brazil’s Senate.
(source: Facebook, WhatsApp)
Exclusivo do Blog do Lessa! No foto acima, o deputado Eduardo Cunha, presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, é flagrado na manhã desta sexta-feira usando sua marca favorita de antiséptico bucal antes de anunciar o seu rompimento definitivo com o PT.
The Lessa Blog Exclusive! The picture above, taken very early this Friday, July 17, shows Brazilian House of Representatives president Eduardo Cunha using his favorite brand of mouthwash before announcing he is definitely severing ties with the Workers Party.