Laerte Rímoli e a Indignação Seletiva
Laerte Rimoli on selective outrage

Laerte_RimoliComovente a indignação seletiva dos meus amigos petistas. Eles têm nojo dos roubos da era FHC. Mas aplaudem, com entusiasmo, a corrupção patrocinada por Lula, Dilma e o PT. E brigam pela manutenção da gangue no poder.

The selective outrage of my friends from the Workers Party is very touching. They abhor the thefts occurred during the FHC era, but they cheer enthusiastically the corruption sponsored by Lula, Dilma and the PT. And they fight to maintain the gang in power.


Errado, Mais Uma Vez!
Once again, he is wrong!




O momento é decisivo. É hora de esmagar os canalhas do PT. Há um ditado milenar que diz: “Quem o inimigo poupa, nas mãos lhe morre.” Para o Blog do Lessa, já passou da hora de cobrar admissão de erros. O que interessa agora é somente o fim definitivo e inquestionável da organização criminosa disfarçada de partido político conhecida como PT. Em outras palavras, FHC, ¿por qué no te callas?

This is a turning point. It is time to obliterate the Workers Party’s scoundrels. There is a very old adage that says: “Who saves the enemy will end up dead by those same hands.” The Lessa Blog firmly believes that It’s way past the time to demand admission of errors committed in the past. The Lessa Blog firmly believes that the only thing that really matters now is the definitive and unquestionable end of the criminal organization disguised as a political party, known as PT (Workers Party). In other words… Fernando Henrique, ¿por qué no te callas?


Vergonha Nacional
National Shame


Mesmo que fosse verdade — e não é!, esse líder senil da Oposição de Sofá deveria se manter calado. O Blog do Lessa não tem ilusões: 1. PT e PSDB apenas fingem ser governoe oposição, quando são esterco do mesmo pasto, com os mesmos objetivos políticos de merda; 2. É absolutamente fundamental e necessário acabar com a organização criminosa disfarçada de partido político que atualmente estrangula o Brasil, mas… não existe perspectiva sólida de preenchimento dos espaços vazios a partir da queda da petralhada.

Even if that were true — and it is not!, this senile Sofa Opposition leader should maintain his mouth shut. The Lessa Blog has no illusions: 1. The PT (Workers Party) and the PSDB only pretend to play the roles of situation and opposition. They are exactly the same shit, with the exact same crappy objectives; 2. While it is absolutely fundamental and necessary to end the criminal organization disguised as a political party that currently strangles Brazil, there is no solid perspective of filling up the empty spaces after the Workers Party shit is thrown down the wastepipe.
Headline: Opposition  —  (Former president) Fernando Henrique Cardoso says that Dilma is honorable and blames Lula for the crisis


Oposição de Sofá: Momento de Lucidez
Sofa Opposition: a moment of sanity


Para o Blog do Lessa, essa é, finalmente, uma atitude que reflete um mínimo de sanidade mental por parte da Oposição de Sofá.

The Folha de S.Paulo newspaper’s headline above says that former prez Fernando Henrique Cardoso does not think this is the moment for his party (PSDB) to be looking to get closer to the current administration. FHC also says that “any non-public dialogue would look like a scheme trying to save what should not be saved”; PSDB members had criticized the Workers Party move to approach PSDB.
The Lessa Blog, relieved, says this is a rare moment of sanity by the Sofa Opposition.


Carlos Marchi, Dilma, Aécio e o Perdão…
Carlos Marchi, Dilma, Aecio and Forgiveness…

marchi2Para responder às denúncias de irregularidades na campanha de Dilma Rousseff, os petistas estão escavando as contas de Aécio Neves.
A intenção? Descobrir alguma coisinha e dar a óbvia desculpa do “todo mundo faz”.
Para responder às denúncias das pedaladas dílmicas, já estão respondendo: “Ah, FHC pedalou, 17 governos estaduais pedalaram…”
Nessa toada, não haverá mais divisão entre “certo” e “errado”, entre “legal” e “ilegal”, entre “honesto” e “ladrão”.
Vai lá e assalta um banco. Quando a polícia chegar, você diz: “Ah, Marcinho VP também roubou banco.”
Pela moral deles, se você descobrir alguém que praticou aquela irregularidade primeiro, tá perdoado.

In order to answer the accusations of misconduct during Dilma Rousseff’s campaign, PT (Workers Party’s) operatives are digging into Aecio Neves’ accounts and spending.
The intention? To find some little thing and come up with the obvious excuse: “Everyone does it.”
In order to answer to the accusations of fiscal misconduct (the so-called “fiscal pedaling”), they are already saying that “Oh, (former prez) Fernando Henrique Cardoso did it, 17 state governments did it…”
Following this path, there will be no more division between “right” and “wrong”, between “legal” and “illegal”, between “honest” and “thief”.
You may go there to rob a bank. When the police comes, you just say… “Well, (famous Brazilian criminal) Marcinho VP also robbed banks.”
According to their morals, if you find someone who has been accused of misconduct before, then you’re forgiven.
