“A little bit of patience, please. The keynote speaker is on his way here!”
Proteção Garantida…
Guaranteed Protection…
The dog in the pictures is one of the Brazilian “supreme court” justices, who has just freed these two criminals. In Mr. Eike Batista’s case, it was even worse, because the justice’s wife works for the attorneys who represent Mr. (Eike) Batista. The “supreme court” justice had an obligation, by law, to declare himself completely unable to offer any judgement on that case. Mr. Jose Dirceu’s case is a shame. Convicted of several crimes in a 32-year sentence, he now can walk free again and continue to act criminally while the Car Wash investigation starts to go down the drain.
(Source: the internet)
Acorda, Presidente Michel Temer!
Wake Up, President Michel Temer!
This video-commentary is a very serious wake-up call to president Michel Temer. His administration seems to be on the brink of disaster, and he does not seem to be doing anything whatsoever to save it. He has no new plans, no bold initiatives, no nothing — and still wants to penalize the hard-working population in a crooked welfare reform. People are fed up with what is going on. Nobody wants the return of the criminals from the Workers Party — far from it!!! — but Michel Temer must do something to tend to the needs of the people. The main portion of this commentary was written by journalist Silvana Destro, from Sao Paulo, right after a pathetic exclusive interview given by Michel Temer to a Brazilian TV network (Bandeirantes). Just this afternoon (April 18) Congress was invaded by… police! Officers from all over Brazil came to protest against the welfare reform plans that are being discussed by congressmen. The situation will continue to escalate, unless president Temer decides to engage the public opinion and offer new, sound, sustainable alternatives.
Fim de Linha
End of the Line
•The first inquiry is about payments of bribes to the criminal organization headed by Lula da Silva.
•The second inquiry deals with payments of bribes disguised as fraudulent lectures, reform/upgrade of the Atibaia home and the acquisition of a building where the Lula Institute is located.
•The third inquiry deals with the 4 million reais sent to the Lula Institute by the Odebrecht’s Bribe Department.
•The fourth inquiry deals with payment of bribes to Frei Chico, Lula’s brother.
•The fifth inquiry is about Lula’s work as Odebrecht’s lobbyist, dealing with Dilma Rousseff. He tried to benefit Odebrecht in the construction of Jirau hydroelectric plant.
•The sixth inquiry deals with payment of bribe to the Haddad campaign and payment to Joao Santana in exchange for “legislative measures” favorable to Odebrecht.
•The seventh inquiry is about the robbery against Sete Brasil (a company) with a 1% “toll” of bribes on top of all contracts to irrigate the Workers Party finances.
•The eighth inquiry deals with the Car Wash (Lava Jato) obstruction attempts through the approval of MP 703.
•The ninth inquiry is about the 3 million reais paid to Carta Capital magazine by the Odebrecht’s Bribe Department.
•What now, Lula? Emilio Odebrecht has told the authorities that the payment of lectures was a disguise for bribes.
(Fonte/Source: VemPraRua.net)
Odebrecht em Espanhol
Odebrecht in Spanish
Meninos e meninas, hora de aprender espanhol! Cliquem neste link e conheçam ainda mais sobre as manobras criminosas da Odebrecht dentro desse esquemão da Lava-Jato a partir de uma ótima reportagem da revista peruana Caretas. Diversão garantida — sem contar no aperfeiçoamento do seu domínio de um idioma estrangeiro! 😉
Boys and girls, time to learn Spanish! Click on this link and learn even more about Odebrecht’s criminal activities, now that the Car Wash operation is fully underway. It is a story published on the Peruvian magazine “Caretas”. Guaranteed fun — not to mention you will be perfecting your foreign language skills! 😉
Carlos Marchi e os Sete Problemas de Dilma
Carlos Marchi and Dilma’s seven problems
Então ficou assim:
Dilma tem sete grandes problemas, a saber:
1) Economia descontrolada, inflação idem, desemprego avançando, com viés de piora progressiva;
2) As desconfortáveis revelações do processo Lavajato, que mostram um governo corrupto e minam o PT;
3) Petrolão em marcha, mostrando que parte do dinheiro roubado foi parar na campanha dela em 2010 (e, quiçá, no ano passado);
4) Pedaladas detectadas pelo TCU mostram um governo em situação de notória quebra da responsabilidade fiscal;
5) Popularidade despencando por conta do evidente estelionato eleitoral de 2014 e das hipóteses anteriores;
6) Absoluto descontrole das manifestações populares;
7) Perda da base de apoio no Congresso.
Até aqui, após o acordão deprimente com Renan, ela resolveu parcialmente – no Senado – a 7 (com possibilidade de encaminhar a 4 com os votos que Renan controla no TCU). Não tem nenhum controle sobre as mais graves – a 1, a 2, a 3, a 5 e a 6.
Ou seja, ela despencou do 40º andar e, ao passar pelo 13º, constata que está tudo bem.
So far, it’s like this:
Dilma has seven big problems, and they are:
1) Economy out of control, same with inflation, growing unemployment, everything with a worsening trend;
2) The uncomfortable revelations of the Car Wash investigation. They show a corrupt government and undermine the PT (Workers Party);
3) The “petrolao” (huge Petrobras scandal) on the move, showing that part of the stolen money ended up in her 2010 campaign (and, perhaps in the 2014 campaign, too);
4) Fiscal crimes detected by the TCU (equivalent to the GAO in the U.S.) show the administration in a clear situation of lack of respect for fiscal responsibility;
5) Plummeting popularity because of the evident electoral embezzlement in 2014 and above items;
6) Absolute lack of control over popular demonstrations;
7) A loss of the support base in Congress.
So far, after the depressing agreement with (Senate president) Renan Calheiros, she partially solved – in the Senate – item #7 (and possibly #4, based on the votes Renan controls in the TCU). She does not have any control over the worst ones: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.
In other words, she has fallen from the 40th floor; when passing by the 13th floor, she arrives at the notion that everything is OK.
As 10 Medidas
The ten measures
Clique na ilustração acima (ou aqui) e você será direcionado para a página de combate à corrupção do MPF, onde poderá saber tudo a respeito das dez medidas propostas para se combater a corrupção no Brasil e assinar um manifesto em favor dessas medidas. Lave o Brasil a Jato você também!
Click on the illustration above (or here) and you’ll be directed to the (Brazilian) Federal Prosecutor’s Corruption Fight page, where you’ll be able to know everything about the proposed ten measures to combat corruption in Brazil and to add your name in support of those measures. Help Brazil go through Car Wash and come out a clean country!
Sandro Vaia e o PIB
Sandro Vaia and the GNP
Ao dizer que a Operação Lava Jato tirou 1% do PIB brasileiro a dona presidenta estava querendo dizer então que a corrupçao é boa para o crescimento?
When she said that the Car Wash investigation took away 1 percent of the Brazilian GNP, was madam president meaning, then, that… corruption is good for growth?
O Blog do Lessa Aguarda com Expectativa!…
The Lessa Blog eagerly awaits!…
A revista Veja desta semana informa que o empreiteiro Leo Pinheiro resolveu contar ao Ministério Público tudo o que sabe sobre a participação do ex-presidente Lula no petrolão e explicar como é que o filho do Brahma, Lulinha, ficou milionário. Ainda segundo a Veja, “o executivo da OAS, Leo Pinheiro, disse que seu acordo de delação premiada for selado, apresentará ainda a lista de todos os políticos que receberam dinheiro do petrolão via OAS. ‘Depois que o Leo falar, não tem como não prender o Lula. Ou se prende o Lula, ou se desmoraliza a Lava-Jato’, diz um interlocutor de Pinheiro.
O Blog do Lessa aguarda com expectativa a prisão, julgamento e condenação deste criminoso que atuou decisivamente para destruir o Brasil social, econômica, financeira, moral e eticamente.
This week’s “Veja” magazine informs that contractor Leo Pinheiro has decided to tell federal prosecutors everything he knows about former president Lula’s participation in the “petrolao” (the huge scandal that has destroyed Petrobras) and to explain how Lulinha, the former president’s son, became a millionaire. According to Veja, “Mr. Pinheiro has said that if his plea bargain is accepted, he will present the authorities with a complete list of politicians who have received “petrolao” money via the OAS (his company). ‘After Leo talks, there will be no way to avoid arresting Lula. Either Lula is arrested, or the Car Wash investigation is demoralized’, said one of Mr. Pinheiro’s friends.
The Lessa Blog eagerly awaits the arrest, prosecution and conviction of this criminal who acted decisively to destroy Brazil socially, economically, financially, morally and ethically.
(Veja Magazine headline: His Turn)
A Frase do Dia
Today’s Quote
“Puxam uma pena, vem uma galinha.”
Teori Zavascki, ministro do STF, impressionado (segundo o jornal Folha de SPaulo) com as volumosas e muito bem documentadas informações (palavras dele) contidas no processo da operação Lava Jato.
“You pluck a feather and a whole chicken comes out.”
Brazilian Supreme Court justice Teori Zavascki, impressed (according to Folha de S.Paulo newpaper) with the “voluminous and very well documented” (Zavascki’s words) information contained in the Car Wash operation’s files.
As Lágrimas de Crocodilo deste Blog
This blog’s crocodile tears
Enquanto derrama lágrimas de crocodilo profusamente, o Blog do Lessa se lembra de que esse velhote canalha, ladrão, safado, mensaleiro, sequestrador, inimigo do Estado, traficante de influência e sonegador (sim, os canalhas também envelhecem!) não relatava angústia nem parecia ter quaisquer problemas de saúde, inclusive psicológicos, quando praticava seus crimes e embolsava, ilegalmente, grandes quantidades de dinheiro.
While profusely shedding crocodile tears, The Lessa Blog remembers that this old fart, a scoundrel, thief, kidnapper, enemy of the State, influence peddler, tax evader, shameless SOB (yes, scoundrels do get old, too!) did not report any kind of anxiety nor happened to have any health problems, including psychological, when he committed his crimes and pocketed great sums of money illegally.
(Picture subtitle): Dirceu sends message to Car Wash judge: “I can’t stand it anymore”
(Balloon): “Arrest me now, please! Arrest me! I can’t stand this anxiety anymore! I’d rather be in jail than living like this!”
A Sacada de Laerte Rimoli
Laerte Rimoli’s take
Lewandowsky, presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, se reuniu às escondidas com Dilma, em Portugal, para tratar de impeachment. Falaram também de Lava-Jato. Independência de poderes é isso.
Chief Justice Lewandowsky, of the Brazilian Supreme Court, secretly got together with Dilma in Portugal to talk about impeachment. They talked about the Car Wash operation, too. This is what the independence of branches is all about.