É Só o Comecinho…
It’s Only Just Begun…

Easy, petista*
Triplex** / Villa / Odebrecht / Petrobras / BNDES (List of legal proceedings against former president Lula da Silva)
The pole has not gone in completely yet… 😉

*Workers Party member
**Lula has been convicted on the legal proceedings regarding the triplex apartment


Fora, Temer! Fica, Temer!…
Out, Temer! Stay, Temer!…

In this video, I talk about recent developments in our tropical House of Cards. Things are getting pretty nasty around here, and everyone seems to be losing their right perspective about what to feel, think or do regarding Michel Temer’s presidency. If you understand Brazilian Portuguese, have fun! 😉


Momento Pré-Greve – Meus 2 Centavos
A Pre-Strike Moment – My 2 Cents


In this video I talk about the absurdity of a strike orchestrated by a union intimately linked to the criminals of the Workers Party — especially the Master Thief, Lulla da Silva,, trying to disrupt the constitutional (popular or unpopular? It’s another entirely different question) government of Michel Temer. I stress the fact that Temer and his group are not to be trusted by any means, and that everyone must place the Planalto Palace occupants under an electronic microscope 24/7. This is the only way to get out of this political mess Brazil has gotten itself into.
