As Mentiras que a Petralhada Conta…
The lies told by the petralhas*…


Uma delas é essa… Os detalhes acima foram publicados na edição de 22 de agosto de 2015 do Jornal do Commercio, em Recife. Página 7, seção de Política.

One of them is this one, printed above. The details were discussed on the Aug. 22, 2015 issue of Recife’s “Jornal do Commercio”. The note was printed on page 7, Politics section.
On the news… “Lie about the More Doctors” — The federal administration is spreading an ad all over the country saying that in two years, the “More Doctors” program has cared for more than 63 million Brazilians. If this astounding number — roughly a third of Brazil’s population — is divided by the number of doctors in the program (14 thousand) and by the days and hours worked in that period, each professional has “seen” 9 thousand 375 patients per day, or… one every 9 seconds.
*”Petralhas – A socially acceptable derogatory word to describe the criminals and dumb-asses that disguise themselves as voters and elected officials under the Workers Party. In essence, everyone belonging to the PT.


Silvana Destro e as Conquistas do Governo Dilma
Silvana Destro and Dilma’s accomplishments

Silvana_DestroO Planalto (quem terá sido?) preparou uma contraofensiva para recuperar a popularidade de Dilma. A estratégia é colocar os pezinhos da presidente na estrada, para que ela relembre ao povo as CONQUISTAS do seu primeiro mandato. Vamos a elas:
1. Quebrou a Petrobras
2. Acabou com o sistema energético
3. Fechou os olhos para a corrupção
4. Manipulou dados da economia para fazer resultado positivo
5. Tratou com profundo equívoco a política educacional
6. Trouxe o Mais Médicos para enviar milhões de dólares para Cuba
7. Construiu um sistema portuário de primeira grandeza… em Cuba
8. Fodeu com o sistema portuário brasileiro
9. Fechou os olhos para as obras superfaturadas da Copa do Mundo
Gente, ajuda aí… Cansei! 🙂

The Planalto Palace (who might have been in there?) has prepared a counteroffensive in order to rebuild Dilma’s popularity. The strategy is to send the president on the road so she can remind the people of the ACCOMPLISHMENTS of her first term. Let’s check some of them out:
1. Petrobras is broken
2. The (electric) energy system has been destroyed
3. She has closed her eyes to corruption
4. She has manipulated economic data to produce positive results
5. Educational policy has been treated in a deeply mistaken way
6. She has brought “More Doctors” to send millions of dollars to Cuba
7. She has built a world class port system… in Cuba
8. She has screwed the Brazilian port system
9. She has closed her eyes to the way overpriced construction work done for the World Cup
Hey, everyone! Help me… I’m tired! 🙂
