It’s so good to steal from and break a country and then take some luxury vacations in Europe with my commie friend.
Uma Piada Esfaqueada…
A joke stabbed…
O Blog do Lessa acredita que o Pixuleco nada mais é do que uma grande e muito bem bolada piada… e que, quando as pessoas começam a esfaquear piadas, é sinal de que tudo vai muito, muito mal, mesmo.
What angers a Workers Party militant?
– Raising taxes
– Country in a recession
– Cuts in FIES (Student financing programs), FGTS and PIS (workers’ benefits)
– A 9 billion reais (some 3 billion dollars) Education budget cut
– Embezzlement at Petrobras and BNDES
– A 60% increase on the electricity bill
– Unemployment and inflation
– Lies during the electoral campain
– Businesses and factories shutting down
– Worsening the dollar-real exchange rate, raising public debt
– Consecutive increases of the interest rates
– Wrongful use of pension funds
– A hole in general government accounts
+ “Pixuleco”, the inflatable doll
The Lessa Blog believes that the “Pixuleco” is nothing more than a great, well-conceived joke… and that when people start to stab jokes, it’s because things are going in a VERY wrong direction.