“When politics penetrate in the Courts’ chambers, Justice leaves through some door.” (François Pierre Guillaume Guizot, 1787-1874)
“Countries whose constitutions allow politicians to hold special court privileges, while the same politicians are the ones who appoint judges for those same courts, are pigsties, madhouses legalizes as nations.” (Jose Marcio Castro Alves)
François Guizot Já Dizia…
A Sacada de Percy Castanho, Jr.
Percy Castanho, Jr.’s Take
Enviei hoje o seguinte e-mail ao ministro Gilmar Mendes:
“Parabéns, Ministro.
Vossa Excelência está conseguindo nivelar a credibilidade da Justiça à credibilidade dos políticos…
Suas referências a Curitiba e a não se curvar diante dos “meninos” da Procuradoria durante o julgamento do HC de Dirceu não escondem seus sentimentos e mostram claramente que interpretações da lei podem ser feitas usando outras partes do corpo que não o cérebro…
Percy Castanho Jr.”
Envie você também um e-mail para ele – mgilmar@stf.jus.br
Today, I have sent the following e-mail message to Justice Gilmar Mendes:
“Congratulations, Justice Mendes.
Your Excellency is succeeding in reducing the Judiciary’s credibility to the politicians’ credibility…
Your speech regarding Curitiba and not submitting to the “boys” of the prosecutor’s office during Jose Dirceu’s habeas corpus trial do not hide your feelings. It clearly shows that interpretations of the law can be obtained through the use of body parts other than the brain…
Percy Castanho, Jr.”
Send one e-mail message to him, too — mgilmar@stf.jus.br
Paciência Tem Limite!…
Patience has a limit!…
This video is, you’ve guessed, in Brazilian Portuguese. In essence, I am saying that a scheme is being worked out by Brazil’s screwy politicians in order to avoid punishment for everyone involved in the huge scandals that are rocking the country. Meanwhile, retired persons are being slapped on their faces by the un-government, which has announced it is not paying the first installment of the so-called 13th salary. At the same time, everyone witnesses the reckless spending orgy that is taking place with public money. This simply creates insurmountable obstacles for the removal of the current occupant of the Planalto Palace and the subsequent return to a serious endeavor towards development and economic growth. What is being set up by these scoundrels right in front of us is a sham, and it’s a dangerous proposition. Right now, Brazilians have expressed their disgust by offending public officials in restaurants, airports and other public places. The next, logical step is for someone to attack one of these clowns physically. When it happens, it is going to be serious, Mussolini style. For sometime, now I have been saying that Brazil’s organized society has been deteriorating. We’ve been going back to the “old west” lifestyle. Patience has a limit. It won’t be long until someone loses his/her mind and shoots to kill one of these bigwigs of the un-government, one of those who act as if they are immune to everything, those who act as if their impunity is guaranteed. Will this crystal clear alert sound like I am an ESP expert, or will Brazilian authorities understand these words as if I were inciting the masses to act violently? Good grief…
Cenira Barradas e a Arte da Política…
Cenira Barradas and the art of politics…
A grande arte da política está em conseguir, simultaneamente, aplausos dos favorecidos e apoio dos que estão sendo roubados. O político gerencia um esquema de extorsão semelhante ao da máfia. Seu salário é pago pelas vítimas, ou seja, pelos pagadores de impostos que não têm voz ativa. Seus “complementos salariais” — o chamado “por fora” — são pagos por grupos de interesse, o que fará com que ele espolie ainda mais os pagadores de impostos. Tudo é feito com grande astúcia, sendo a função do político convencer as vítimas de que elas não estão sendo espoliadas. Isso ele sempre consegue. O político é, acima de tudo, um falso. Corrupção sistemática — não apenas a corrupção que envolve meios financeiros, mas também a corrupção da linguagem e das atitudes — necessariamente acompanha um governo. Qualquer governo. E a corrupção é endêmica porque a política é a arte da ladroagem. Quando eleito, um político irá se esforçar para garantir seus interesses e os interesses de seus financiadores da melhor forma possível. Para que mais serve um governo? Governo é roubo. Governo é corrupção.
The grand art of politics is to obtain simultaneously the applause of those favored and the support of those being robbed. The politician manages an extortion scheme very similar to the Mafia’s. His/her salary is paid by his/her victims, i.e, by the taxpayers who can’t speak up. His “fringe benefits” – the so-called “under the table” – are paid by interest groups. This will make him extort even more from the taxpayers. Everything is done very cunningly. The politician’s role is to convince his/her victims that they are not being despoiled. He/she can always accomplish that. The politician is, above all, phony. Systematic corruption – not only the corruption that involves financial means, but also the corruption of language and attitude, necessarily follows a government. Any government. The corruption is endemic because politics is the art of stealing. When elected, a politician will make every effort to guarantee his interests and the interests of his/her financiers in the best way possible. What else is a government for? Government is stealing. Government is corruption.