Carlos Marchi e a Manifestação em SP
Carlos Marchi on the Sao Paulo demonstration

marchi2Acabo de chegar da Avenida Paulista.
O ato foi um sucesso. Teve menos gente que o de abril mas foi muito significativo. Por quatro razões:
1) Pelo número de pessoas, apesar da campanha desestimulante da grande mídia nos últimos dias, tentando fazer crer que Dilma já resolvera tudo no acordão com Renan.
2) O protesto foi bem direcionado e específico: foi objetivamente contra Dilma e Lula.
3) Quatro meses depois do protesto anterior, o povão mostrou que está com sangue nos olhos e faca nos dentes.
4) Ocorreu em TODOS os Estados e em muitas cidades do interior. Em vários Estados, o protesto de hoje foi maior que o de abril.
Show de bola. O Brasil mostrou sua cara, como pedia Cazuza no carro de som do Movimento Vem pra Rua.

I’ve just arrived from Paulista Avenue.
The protest was a success. There were less people than the one in April but it was very meaningful for four reasons:
1) For the number of people, despite the campaign by the mainstream media in the last few days, trying to make everyone believe that Dilma had solved everything in a big agreement with Renan Calheiros.
2) The protest was well directed, very specific: it was objectively against Dilma and Lula.
3) Four months after the earlier demonstration, the people showed they still have bloody eyes and knives clenched between their teeth.
4) The demonstrations occurred in EVERY state, in many cities in the interior of the country. I several states, today’s protest was larger than the one in April.
Pretty good. Brazil showed its face, as (singer/songwriter) Cazuza’s voice asked on the loudspeakers of the “Come to the Streets Movement” truck.


Você Não Verá Isso na TV – 1
You Won’t See This on TV – 1

Essa foi a recepção que a Mulher-Sapiens, nome científico de Dilma “Devassa” Rousseff — a.k.a. Bonequinha de Luxo ou Rainha da Mandioca, teve de brasileiros nos Estados Unidos. Claro, as redes de TV aberta não mostraram, mas o Blog do Lessa está aí para preencher esse vazio para você, mantendo-o(a) bem informado(a).

This was the reception that the Woman-Sapiens, scientific name given to Dilma “Devassa”* Rousseff — a.k.a. Hepburn from Hell** or Cassava Queen***, had from Brazilians in the United States. Your TV’s regular programming didn’t show it, of course, but The Lessa Blog is here to fill in the blanks for you, so that you stay on top of what’s happening.

For those outside Brazil not knowing what the hell is going on around the country:
*She has been nicknamed “Devassa” because this is a brand of beer that matches former president Lula’s nickname (“Brahma”) discovered during the Car Wash investigations.
**Hepburn from Hell? This was because she stayed for a couple of nights at a St. Regis hotel suite in NYC for only… 11 thousand dollars a night.
***She has been nicknamed Cassava Queen (and Woman-Sapiens) for her most recent LSD-like statements in front of an audience. You can see two videos about this if you go down the blog’s timeline.

