Chicken supreme
Supremo Tribunal Federal
Resumo da Ópera…
Summing it Up…
O STF se prostitui, dá facada nas costas do povo e joga a Constituição e o País no esgoto.
Simples assim. Está bom pra você?
The Brazilian Supreme Court acted as a prostitute, stabbed the people on their backs and threw the Constitution in the sewer.
Simple as that. It that enough for you?
(The picture shows a new definition of the acronym STF: we’re all cowards.)
Nas Mídias Sociais…
On the Internet…
Former Brazilian House of Reps president (now jailed in Curitiba) is saying… “(expletive similar to I’ll be damned!) All I had to do was to tap my shoes and refuse to leave?” regarding the incredible Brazilian Supreme Court decision maintaining Renan Calheiros (a defendant at the STF) as president of Brazil’s Senate.
(source: Facebook, WhatsApp)
Uma Nova Definição
A New Definition
A voz do povo é a voz de Deus… O resultado que mantém Réunan Calheiros na presidência do Senado provocou reação imediata: em vez de Supremo Tribunal Federal, a sigla STF agora significa “Só Tem Frouxo.”
Vox populi, vox Dei… The decision made by Brazil’s Supreme Court (Brazilian acronym “STF”) maintaining Renan Calheiros (currently being tried at that court) as president of the Senate drew immediate reaction from the streets: instead of “Supremo Tribunal Federal” (Brazil’s Supreme Court), STF now stands for something that could be freely translated as “there are only cowards.”
The phrase “Tell STF that I stay!” is a joke dating back to Pedro I’s days, when he declared he would stay in Brazil, denying his return to Portugal.
Sylvio Guedes e as Alegrias da Vida
Sylvio Guedes and the joys of life
Parágrafo do noticiário de hoje:
“Dirceu cumpre em prisão domiciliar o restante da pena de 7 anos e 11 meses estipulada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, por corrupção ativa. Ele também é investigado por suposta participação no esquema de corrupção da Petrobras.”
Ahhh, são essas pequenas alegrias que dão sentido à vida…
A paragraph of today’s news:
“Dirceu is on house arrest for the remainder of the 7 years 11 months conviction by the Brazilian Supreme Court for corruption. He is also investigated for his supposed participation in the Petrobras corruption scheme.”
Ooooh, those are the little joys that help our life make sense…
A Sacada de Laerte Rimoli
Laerte Rimoli’s take
Lewandowsky, presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, se reuniu às escondidas com Dilma, em Portugal, para tratar de impeachment. Falaram também de Lava-Jato. Independência de poderes é isso.
Chief Justice Lewandowsky, of the Brazilian Supreme Court, secretly got together with Dilma in Portugal to talk about impeachment. They talked about the Car Wash operation, too. This is what the independence of branches is all about.