A Farsa Chega ao Fim!…
The Farce Comes to an End!…

This commentary is about the absolutely nasty job performed by Brazil’s electoral court acquitting the Rouseff-Temer ticket of all sorts of violations in the 2014 presidential election. A famous attorney has said that this is the first case she saw of an acquittal caused by an excess of evidence against the defendants.


A Farsa Chega ao Fim
The Farce Comes to an End


This commentary is about the absolutely nasty job performed by Brazil’s electoral court acquitting the Rouseff-Temer ticket of all sorts of violations in the 2014 presidential election. A famous attorney has said that this is the first case she saw of an acquittal caused by an excess of evidence against the defendants.


A Mídia e os Bastidores da Política…(2)
The Brazilian media on backstage politics…(2)

A nota é do site O Antagonista: “Quem melou os planos de Dilma —
Dilma Rousseff, segundo a Folha de S. Paulo, “foi pega de surpresa” pelo TSE.
Ela “contava” com o pedido de vista da ministra Luciana Lóssio para conseguir barrar as investigações sobre o dinheiro sujo de sua campanha.
Luciana Lóssio, que fez carreira como advogada eleitoral de Dilma Rousseff e foi posta no TSE exatamente para isso, obedeceu às ordens do Palácio do Planalto e interrompeu o julgamento.
O que melou os planos do governo foi o pedido do ministro Henrique Neves para antecipar seu voto.
O entorno de Dilma Rousseff, “enfurecido”, passou a atacar Henrique Neves, “lembrando que, há pouco tempo, o ministro estava em campanha ostensiva para ser reconduzido ao TSE”.

This was published by “O Antagonista” site: “Who frustrated Dilma’s plans —
Dilma Rousseff, according to the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, “was caught by surprise” by the TSE (The Lessa Blog’s note: “TSE” is the Brazilian Portuguese acronym for Superior Electoral Court, a useless institution exclusively designed to spend taxpayer’s money).
She “counted on” Justice Luciana Lossio’s request to examine the documents in order to halt the investigations related to her campaign’s use of dirty money.
Luciana Lossio, a career electoral attorney who worked for Dilma Rousseff and was placed in the TSE exactly to do that, obeyed the Planalto Palace’s orders and halted the trial.
What frustrated the government’s plans was the request by Justice Henrique Neves to anticipate his vote.
Dilma’s surroundings became “irate” and started to attack Neves, “recalling that not too long ago he was in an explicit campaign to be reassigned to the TSE.”


Paciência Tem Limite!…
Patience has a limit!…

This video is, you’ve guessed, in Brazilian Portuguese. In essence, I am saying that a scheme is being worked out by Brazil’s screwy politicians in order to avoid punishment for everyone involved in the huge scandals that are rocking the country. Meanwhile, retired persons are being slapped on their faces by the un-government, which has announced it is not paying the first installment of the so-called 13th salary. At the same time, everyone witnesses the reckless spending orgy that is taking place with public money. This simply creates insurmountable obstacles for the removal of the current occupant of the Planalto Palace and the subsequent return to a serious endeavor towards development and economic growth. What is being set up by these scoundrels right in front of us is a sham, and it’s a dangerous proposition. Right now, Brazilians have expressed their disgust by offending public officials in restaurants, airports and other public places. The next, logical step is for someone to attack one of these clowns physically. When it happens, it is going to be serious, Mussolini style. For sometime, now I have been saying that Brazil’s organized society has been deteriorating. We’ve been going back to the “old west” lifestyle. Patience has a limit. It won’t be long until someone loses his/her mind and shoots to kill one of these bigwigs of the un-government, one of those who act as if they are immune to everything, those who act as if their impunity is guaranteed. Will this crystal clear alert sound like I am an ESP expert, or will Brazilian authorities understand these words as if I were inciting the masses to act violently? Good grief…


Analisando a Notícia…
Analyzing the news…


Se você está acostumado a receber as notícias bovinamente, sem se surpreender ou se indignar, vamos fazer um passo-apasso — ou… vamos por partes, como dizia Jack, o Estripador.
A manchete: algo inacreditável por si só. Um motorista, se sujeitando a receber mensalmente pouco mais que um salário mínimo, não teria condições de manter um negócio dessa envergadura sem despertar suspeitas desde o primeiro minuto, ou seja, um tribunal de contas eleitorais minimamente decente e equipado já daria o alerta vermelho aí mesmo.
Em azul: Somente depois de revelada publicamente a maracutaia é que a “Justiça Eleitoral”, com a obrigação de examinar as contas dos candidatos, vem “suspeitar”? Me poupem…
Em amarelo: Qualquer ser humano com pelo menos dois neurônios olharia a prestação de contas, perceberia esse detalhe imediatamente e, mais uma vez, daria o alerta vermelho no primeiro minuto a partir da apresentação dos documentos.
Em vermelho: a desfaçatez, a cara de pau, a safadeza, o “se colar, colou”, a filhadaputice que marca indelevelmente o DNA de todos os integrantes dessa organização criminosa com registro eleitoral. Só porque o descuidado ou corrupto tribunal aprovou, então está tudo certo? Claro que não, criminosos!

If you are used to reading the news with a bovine disposition, not letting yourself be surprised or getting angry with what you read, let’s do a quick step-by-step — or… let’s go by parts, as Jack the Ripper would say.
The headline: something utterly unbelievable by itself. A driver who subjects himself to earning a little more than the monthly minimum wage would never be able to maintain such a huge business without raising suspicion from the very start. A minimally decent or equipped court in charge of examining the candidates’ spending would have sounded the alert right there and then.
In blue: Is it only after the scam is publicly revealed that the Electoral Justice — in charge of checking and approving the candidates’ spending — says it has “suspicions” about it? Spare me…
In yellow: Any human being with at least two neurons would look at the accounting documents, would notice this detail immediately and, once again, sound the alert right at the first minute after the documents were presented.
In red: the effrontery, the shamelessness, the naughtiness, the “if-you-can-get-away-with-itness”, the “sonofabitchness” that is an indelible mark in the DNA of all participants of this criminal organization registered politically. Just because a careless or corrupt court approved, then everything is OK? Of course not, criminals!

(Headline): Dilma’s campaign paid 6 million reais to a print shop belonging to a driver
(Below the headline): Electoral Court suspects that the print shop – that has no employees – was not able to provide the required services to the Workers Party; Planalto Palace says the TSE (Electoral court) has approved the accounting
